
作者: 发布时间:2018-02-26 点击数量:



Code For International Students............................................................................2

2. 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生学籍管理规定

Regulations of School Registration Management.................................................4

3. 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生考勤办法

Attendance Check................................................................................................10

4. 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生证照、保险管理规定

Regulations of Papers and Insurance..................................................................13

5. 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生公寓管理规定

Regulations of Dormitory Management..............................................................15

6. 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生奖惩制度

Reward and Punishment......................................................................................23

7. 生活指南

Service Guide.......................................................................................................25

8. 附则





第一章  重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生守则

Chapter 1 Code For International Students


1.  自觉遵守中国的法律、法规和学校的规章制度,尊重中国风俗习惯

The international students must comply with the laws and codes of China and regulations of college, and show respect to the folkways and customs of Chinese people.

2.  学校尊重来华留学生民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供宗教活动场所。学校内不得进行传教、宗教聚会等任何宗教活动。来华留学生在不违反学校教学规定的前提下,可以根据自己的宗教信仰在依法登记的宗教场所参加宗教活动。

The college respects the international students’ national customs and religious beliefs, but does not provide places for religious activities. Any religious activity, such as mission, religious gathering, is forbidden in the school. The international students can attend religious services at legal registered places without violating the related regulations of the school.

3.  来华留学生经学校同意,可以在校内指定的地点和范围举行庆祝本国重要传统节日的活动,但不得有反对、攻击其他国家和民族的内容或者违反公共道德的言行。

With the consent of college, the international students may hold activities to celebrate the important traditional festivals in their own countries at designated places and areas within the school, but objecting to, attacking the other countries and nations or offending the public morals through the words and deeds are forbidden.

4.  对违反校规校纪的来华留学生,根据情节轻重,给予相应的处分,直至开除学籍。

The international students who violate the rules and regulations of the school shall be punished in accordance with the seriousness of the case, even expelled from the school.

5.  维护正常的学习秩序,认真完成规定的学习任务。

The international students must maintain the normal order of study, and study diligently and complete assignment.

6.  同学之间团结友好,和睦相处

The international students shall live amicably with classmates.

7.  尊重教师和工作人员。

The international students shall respect the teachers and staffs.

8.  讲究卫生,爱护环境。

The international students shall be hygiene, care for the environment.

9.  爱护学校公共财产和公共设施。

The international students shall care for the public property and facilities.

10.  尊重中华民族的生活习惯和民族文化。

The international students must respect the living-style and national culture of Chinese nation.

11.  生活作风严谨,杜绝赌博、酗酒、打架斗殴、吸毒、贩毒、淫秽色情活动以及其他不良行为。

The international students shall have rigorous lifestyle, and eliminate gambling, alcoholism, fighting, drug abuse, drug trafficking, pornography and other undesirable behavior.

12.  爱好和平,维护稳定,不在中国境内进行非法的出版、结社、集会、游行、示威等活动,不私自在校园内张贴、散发宣传品、印刷品。

The international students shall love peace and maintain stability, do not carry out illegal publication, association, gathering, demonstration and other activities in China, do not privately post in the campus, distribute promo, printed matter.

13.  在校留学期间,不能从事任何盈利性工作或打工。

During the period of studying in the college, the international students must not engage in any profitable work.

14.  遵守学校其他学生管理规章制度。

The international students must comply with other regulations of the school.


第二章  重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生学籍管理规定Chapter 2 Regulations of School Registration Management


1. 来华留学生必须按照学校规定的教学计划学习进修,单独编班进行小班教学或插班到对应专业现有教学班学习。

The international students must follow the teaching plan specified by the school with small-class teaching or skipping to the exiting class of the corresponding major.

2. 来华留学生必须参加教学计划规定的课程考试和考查,成绩载入个人学习记录。考试成绩的评定实行百分制,六十分以上为及格,考查成绩的评定实行等级制,分为优、合格、不合格。专业课程的学期总成绩评定采取考试形式,实行百分制,以半期、期终考试成绩和平时成绩为主要依据。选修课程的学期总成绩评定采取考查方式,实行等级制,以期终考查成绩、平时成绩为主要依据。

The international students must take the examinations and tests specified in the teaching plan, and the results will be recorded in their personal study records. The examinations use a percentage grading system, and 60 points as pass. The evaluation of test is classified excellent, qualified and unqualified. The major courses are evaluated in the form of examination with percentage grading system, which is mainly based on the results of half-term and the final examination, and the students’ usual performance. The selective courses are evaluated in the form of test with grade system, which is also mainly based on the results of final test and the students’ usual performance.

3. 来华留学生必须按照学校教学计划安排上课,参加教学实训、实习和社会实践,按时并保质保量地完成教师布置的作业。凡无故旷课、迟到、早退或不交作业者,将酌情扣减平时成绩。

The international students must attend the classes according to the teaching plan, participate in the teaching training, practice and social practice, and complete the assignments with quality and quantity assured. For those who is absence, late, leave early or do not hand in the assignment without any reason, their usual grades will be deducted as appropriate.

4. 来华留学生因故不能参加考试或考查的,必须事先向任课教师、所在学院、教务处和国际合作与交流处提出申请并说明理由,经审核后方可缓考,成绩记载按学校规定处理。缓考成绩不及格者按照学校已有相关规定执行。

The international students who are unable to take the examination or test for some reason must submit an application to the teacher, the college, the academic affairs office and the office of international cooperation and exchange with reason in advance. Only after the application being approved, the examination or test can be postponed, and the results are recorded according to the related regulations. For the students who fail to pass the examination or test, it will be carried out according to the related regulations.

5. 凡擅自缺考或考试考查作弊者,该课程成绩以零分计算,并不予补考。如改正表现良好,经学校批准,可允许在毕业前补考一次。

The result will be counted as zero and no make-up examination will be allowed for the students who miss the examination or test without authorization or cheat in the examination or test. For the students who have corrected the mistake and behave well, a make-up examination may be allowed before graduation with permission.

6. 凡考试考查不及格者,每学期可补考一次。补考时间由学校教务处统一安排。学生无故缺课,一个学期累计超过某门课程教学时数的三分之一者,不得参加该门课程的考试或考,可视具体情况决定是否给予补考机会。迟到或早退两次算作一次旷课。来华留学生考试或考核不及格允许重修,但不得超过学校毕业规定年限。

Those who fail the examination or test will take a make-up examination once per semester. If unexcused absences are more than one third of the total teaching hours for one course in a semester, then the student will not be allowed to take the examination or test for this course, whether or not giving the opportunity for a make-up examination is depending on the specific circumstances. International students who fail in the examination or test are allowed to restudy, but not exceed the specified number of years for graduation.

7. 来华留学生因事、因病在一段时间内不能继续学习者,学生本人应持书面申请和相关证明到二级学院、教务处、国际合作与交流处办理休学手续,经学校批准后方可离校,并缩短居留证。休学期限为一学期或一学年。因病休学者,复学时需出具康复证明。

The international students who are unable to continue their study due to illness or some matter for a period of time must submit the application in writing and related supporting documents to the secondary college, academic affairs office, the office of international cooperation and exchange for suspension, and only after the approval of college, they can leave the school and shorten their resident permit. The time allowed for the leave is one semester or one academic year. And the student on leave due to illness shall provide a rehabilitation certification when resuming study.

8. 中文授课的来华留学生应达到HSK4180分及以上汉语水平。未达到相应水平的来华留学生,应在进入专业学习前进行汉语补习,直至汉语水平符合专业学习要求。

The international students who take the courses in Chinese shall achieve HSK4 level of 180 and above, otherwise they shall need remediation of Chinese prior the major study, until their Chinese meets the requirements of the of major study.

9. 来华留学生须使用中文进行毕业论文撰写及答辩。

The international students are required to complete their thesis and thesis defense in Chinese.

10. 按教学计划修完规定课程,通过所有考试和考查,来华留学生可获学校颁发的学历证书或培训证书;未完成学习计划或成绩不合格者,颁发学习经历证明。

The international students who have completed the required courses according to the teaching plan and passed all the examinations and test will be awarded a diploma or training certification issued by the college; and the unqualified students will be awarded a proof of learning experience.

11. 来华留学生自发组织或参加校外活动,须经学校同意。

The international students who spontaneously organize or participate in activities out school must obtain the consent of the school.

12. 遵守学校其他学籍管理制度相关条例。

The international students must comply with the other regulations related to the management system of student status.


第三章 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生考勤办法

Chapter 3 Attendance Check


1. 按时上课,不得旷课、迟到和早退。

The international students must attend classes regularly, do not be absent, late and do not leave early

2. 请病假、事假手续:

Application for sick or personal leave


For sick leave, it needs the doctor’s note, and shall be reported to the teacher, secondary college, the office of the international cooperation and exchange for approval, and to the academic affairs office for record;


For personal leave, it shall be reported to the course teacher, secondary college, the office of international cooperation and exchange for approval in advance, and to the academic affairs office for record.

3. 来华留学生享受中国的法定节假日和学校的各种节假日。如来华留学生需享受本国重大节假日的,必须向二级学院、国际合作与交流处报告,学校审定批准后方能度假。

The international students can enjoy the Chinese legal holidays and various school holidays. For the major holiday in their own countries, they must submit the application to the secondary college and the office of international cooperation and exchange, only with consent of school, they can leave for holiday.

4. 凡未请假或请假未准而擅自不上课或超过假期未办理续假手续者,均以无故旷课论处。

Those who do not attend class without asking for leaving or without permission, or who overstay the leave without permission, are considered as unexcused absence.


The students who are absence within 6 class hours in one semester will be subjected to criticism


The students who are absence for 6~12 class hours in one semester will be subjected to warning


The students who are absence for 13~24 class hours in one semester will be subjected to probation.


The students who are absence more than 30 class hours in one semester will be expelled from school with the approval of school. They shall pay their own return expenses and suffer all the consequences.

5. 学生一个学期无故旷课累计超过每门课程教学时数的三分之一者,不得参加该门课程的考试或考查,可视具体情况决定是否给予补考机会。迟到或早退两次算作一次旷课。

Students who are absence without reason more than one third of the teaching hours of each course in one semester are not allowed to take the examination or test of the course, whether or not giving the opportunity for a make-up examination is depending on the specific circumstances. Being late or leaving early twice will be considered as one absenteeism.

6. 遵守学校其他考勤制度相关条例。

The international students must comply with other regulations related to the attendance check


第四章 重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生证照、保险管理规定

Chapter 4 Regulations of papers and insurance


1.   来华留学生入境前应根据其学习期限向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆或外交部委托的其他机构申请办理“X”类学生签证

The international student shall secure a “X” visa from the Chinese Embassy in the country of residence or other institution entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before entering China.

2.   来华留学生所持学习类签证注明入境后需要办理居留证件的,应自入境之日起三十日内,向拟居留地公安关机出入境管理部门申请办理学校类外国人居留证件。

If required, the student must apply for a residence permit to the Department of Entry & Exit Administration within 30 days from the date of entering China.

3.   来华留学生须在学业结束或因故中止学业后,在规定时间内出境。对受退学或开除学籍处分的,学校应及时通知重庆市公安局出入境管理部门依法注销其所持居留证件或缩短其在华停留时间。

The international students are required to leave China within the specified time after completing their studies or the suspension for some reasons. For the students who have been expelled, the school shall promptly notify the Department of Entry & Exit Administration, Chongqing Public Security Bureau to cancel or shorten their residence permit.

4.   来华留学生居留证件如有变更,须在10日内到公安机关办理变更手续。

If any change in the residence permit, the students must contact the Public Security Bureau for the new change.

5.   来华留学生入学前须到中国卫生检疫部门办理《外国人体格检查记录》确认手续或者进行体检。体检结果符合国家和学校相关规定的来华留学生方可注册入学。经检查确认患有《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》规定的严重精神障碍、传染性肺结核或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的其他传染病的,由公安部门依法处理。

The international students shall take a physical check-up or have the “Physical Examination for Foreigners” verified at Chinese Health and Quarantine Department before school opening day. Only the students whose results meet the requirements of related regulation can be enrolled. The case that students are confirmed to be suffering from serious mental disorder, infectious tuberculosis or other infectious diseases which may cause great harm to public heath specified in the Law of the PRC on the Entry & Exit Administration will be handled by Public Security Bureau according to the law.

6.  来华留学生必须按照国家有关规定和学校要求投保。对未按照规定购买相应保险的,应限期投保,逾期不投保的,予以退学。

The international students must be insured according to the related regulations. Otherwise, they will be ordered to quit.


第五章  重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生公寓管理规定

Chapter 5  Regulations of Dormitory management


1. 来华来华留学生必须遵守中华人民共和国外国人在华居留的法律、法规,遵守学校学生公寓管理规章制度,服从国际交流与合作处和学生处的安排和管理,不得利用来华留学生公寓从事赌博、酗酒、打斗、色情等违反中华人民共和国法律、法规以及学校校规、校纪的活动。

The international students must abide by the laws of the PRC concerning the residence of foreigners in China and the regulations on dormitory management, and be subject to the management of the office of international cooperation and exchange and the student’s affairs office. It is not permitted to engage in gambling, bibulosity, fighting, eroticism or other activities in violation of the laws and regulations of the PRC and the school.

2. 来华留学生公寓及设施由学生处负责统一协调管理。

The student’s affairs office is responsible for the coordination and management of the apartments and facilities.

3. 持普通护照和学生签证并正式注册的来华留学生,可在我校来华留学生公寓居住。

The apartment is available to the international students with ordinary passport and student visa who are officially registered.

4. 来华留学生须服从安排,在指定或预定的房间居住。未经允许不得私下调换房间。未按指定房间入住者,取消来华留学生公寓入住资格。

The international students are required to live in the designated or reserved rooms. It is not permitted to change the room in private. Otherwise, they will be disqualified to live in the apartment.

5. 房屋出现自然空缺时安排其他来华留学生入住。

In case natural vacancy, re-arrangement will be scheduled for other international students.

6. 入住的来华留学生每人在交押金后分发钥匙一套,严禁私自配钥匙或转借他人,如钥匙丢失或损坏,应报告国际合作与交流处重新申请。来华留学生退房时须交还钥匙,不得私自更换、私装锁具。

The international students will get a set of keys after paying the deposit, it is forbidden to make a key in private or lent the key to other people. If it is lost or damaged, please report to the office of international cooperation and exchange for re-application. Return the key when check out, it is forbidden to change or install the lock-set in private.

7. 来华留学生入住需办理入住手续,并签字确认设施设备是否完好。来华留学生结束进修离开学校需办理退房手续,国际合作与交流处、后勤处核查设施设备后方可离开,设施设备人为损坏需按原价赔偿。室内遗留物品,学校有权处置。

The international students are required to check-in at the apartment and sign to confirm the facilities are in good condition. After finishing the study, they need to check-out, and before leaving ,the office of international cooperation and exchange and logistics department shall check the facilities. The students involved will be responsible for any artificial damage to the facilities according to the original price. The school has the right to dispose of the belongings left behind.

8. 来华留学生公寓房间仅供在校注册的来华来华留学生本人使用。来华留学生不得将房间私自转让、转租或留宿他人。

The apartment for international student is only available for the registered student in China. It is forbidden to assign, sublet or accommodation in private.

9. 来华留学生公寓实行宵禁管理,宵禁时间为23:00。晚于宵禁时间返回公寓者需在公寓管理人员处登记后方可进入,并于次日向国际合作与交流处和学生处说明晚归原因。晚归频繁且屡教不改者,取消来华留学生公寓入住资格。

The apartment for international student is under curfew, and the curfew is 23:00. Anyone returning to the apartment after the curfew must report to the manager before entering, and explain to the office of international cooperation and exchange and student’s affairs department for the reason the following day. For the students being late frequently, they will be disqualified to live in the apartment.

10. 来华留学生不得在来华留学生公寓内接待来访人员。

It is not permitted to receive visitor in the apartment for international students.

11. 来华留学生应自觉维持宿舍内的清洁和楼道走廊的畅通,不得在公共地段堆砌和抛弃物品。

The international students shall keep the room and corridors free from obstacles.

12. 来华留学生应严格遵守作息时间,保持安静和秩序,不得进行妨碍和影响他人学习和休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗或大声播放音乐等。

The international students shall follow the time schedule, keep quiet and orderly, and do not engage in the activities that may hinder the study or rest of the other people, such as dancing, loud noise or playing the music loudly.

13. 来华留学生不得在公寓内从事经商或其他推销活动。

It is forbidden to engage in business or marketing activities in the apartment.

14. 在住来华留学生需爱护公寓内设施设备,公寓内设施设备发生损坏时应及时向公寓管理员报修,并根据实际情况支付相应维修费用,或赔偿费用,蓄意破坏公寓设施者,一经核实,除支付维修费用以外,取消来华留学生公寓入住资格,情结严重者,将移交公安机关处理。

The resident international students shall take good care of the facilities and equipment in the apartment, in case of any damage, they must report to the the manager for repair in time, and be responsible for the charges of repair or compensation according to the actual condition. Any vandalism, once verified, may result in disqualification, and the student involved shall be responsible for the charges of repair. For serious cases, they will be hand over to the public security organ.

15. 学生可在公寓正常使用各种小型电器。当电器处于工作状态时不得离人,电器用完后须及时关闭电源。

It is allowed to use the small electrical appliances in the apartment, turn off the power before leaving.

16. 正确使用热水器。使用热水器时应注意通风换气。

The international students shall use the water heater correctly, and pay attention to ventilation

17. 来华留学生公寓内有以下行为的,将给予暂扣违规物品的处罚;造成经济甚至他人健康损害的,来华留学生本人承担一切损失,并视其情节按照校规校纪给予纪律处分,直至追究法律责任。

The following actions shall be punished by temporary seizure of articles; the students shall bear all the responsibilities for the related economic loss and personal injury, be given sanctions in accordance with the rules of the school depending on the circumstances, even be investigated for legal responsibilities.


Disassemble or refit the pipes and wires and connect power supply, wire or network cable without permission;


Use electrical blanket, electrothermal furnace and other high-power electrical appliances;


Use candle, kerosene(gasoline) lamp, alcohol lamp, liquefied gas furnace, etc;


Other acts of using fire and electricity’


Keep pets.

18. 来华留学生公寓内有以下行为的,将依据校纪校规给予纪律处分,情节严重者将移交公安机关:

The following acts will result sanctions according to the rules of school, for serious cases, the students involved will be handed over to the public security organ:




Drunken behavior;


Fighting, damage others personal right, endanger others personal safety;


Store or use inflammable and explosive or virulent and harmful goods;


Steal, racketeering and swindle;


Engage in the religious activities or violate other people’s religious beliefs;


Other acts prohibited by the Law of the PRC;

19. 管理人员因工作需要进入房间时,来华留学生应给予配合。来华留学生须配合管理人员进行例行检查和维修,不得无理由拒绝。

The international students are expected to cooperate with the dormitory staffs when they need to get into the room for necessary work, and shall not refuse the regular inspection and maintenance without due cause.

20. 来华留学生手机、计算机、现金、存折、磁卡及其它贵重物品必须妥善保管,离开宿舍和睡觉时必须锁好房门,以防财物被盗。如不慎丢失,学校不负责赔偿。

The students shall safekeep the cellphone, computer, cash, deposit book, mag-card and other valuables. Keep the door locked before leaving or when sleep to avoid being stolen. And such loss is at the student’s own risk.

21. 遵守学校其他学生公寓管理制度相关条例。

The international students shall comply with the other regulations on the dormitory management


第六章  重庆工业职业技术学院来华留学生奖惩制度

Chapter 6 Reward and Punishment

1. 奖励



The students who obey the related rules and do well in their study will be dubbed “excellent student” by the end of academic year with the approval of school, and be reported in the whole school.


For the good deeds in and out of school, the school will give verbal or written praise and prizes as appropriate

2. 处罚



Ignoring discipline, disturb the teaching order, damaging public properties, drunken behavior, fighting or other bad behavior will result the following sanctions: warning, recording of demerit, probation, dismissal, even expulsion.


If any serious consequences caused by violating discipline, the students who can’t continue their study shall leave school within the time limit


Those who violate Chinese laws and regulations shall be handed over to the relevant state organs


Chapter 7 来华留学生生活指南

Service Guide

1. 学校简介





Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College (CQIPC) is a public college established in 1956. It is one of the first 28 National Demonstrating Tertiary VET Colleges and also participated in Australia-China (Chongqing) Vocational Education Training Program. Located in Yubei District, Chongqing, the college covers an area of 750mu with a total staff of 670. CQIPC is set up with 9 professional departments including Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Automation, Department of Computer Engineering, Department of Business and Trade, Department of Art Design, Department of Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Department of Logistics. There are 50 majors, 4 national demonstrated training centers, Chongqing Equipment Manufacturing Training Bases, and 2 Advanced Technology Application Centers. Currently CQIPC has approximately 13000 students from all over China. The employment rate reached 98% each year for the last decade, which ranks the top in Chongqing universities and colleges.

CQIPC is aiming at a national talent cultivating base with high quality, creation, application and skills in industry of equipment manufacturing, automotive engineering, e-information and modern services.

In recent years, CQIPC has won many rewards such as National Advanced Unit for Vocational Education. It also achieved fruitful results in national competitions, including 2 second prizes for national teaching achievement, 1 National excellent teaching team, 7 first prizes, 16 second prizesand 12 third prizes of national vocational skills competition.

CQIPC has set up Department of International Communication and Exchange, International Education School, Training School for BSK (Further Study in Germany) Program. It has close relationship with 16 countries such as Australia, Germany, USA and Japan. More than 200 teachers has oversea training experiences. Over 100 students successfully participated in programs such as Summer Work and Travel USA, oversea study tour, exchange student program, BSK (Further Study in Germany) Program. Two international students were issued the Mayor's Scholarship and over 20 foreign teachers have worked in CQIPC.

2.  生活信息指南


(1) 学校地址:重庆市渝北区桃源大道1000

     School Address: No.1000 Avenue Taoyuan, Yubei District, Chongqing.

(2) 交通方式



Buses : Bus 642/622 arrive just at the school gate.


For going to downtown by bus: The bus stop is on the opposite side of school,  you could take any buses there, they will take you from school to the bus terminal for free , then you could change to bus 610/622/642 at the bus terminal.


Metro: Line 3 (Station Konggang square)

(3) 附近商店



Nearest supermarketYonghui SupermarketBus 622/642  station Taoyuandadao.

离校园最近商圈: 金港国际,设有星巴克、健身房、沃尔玛等商店。(乘坐公交车622或轻轨3号线在碧津站下)

Nearest shopping mallJingangguoji Shopping mall, there are gyms, Starbucks, Wal-Mart etc.(Metro Line 3/Bus 622 station Bijin)

(4) 联系方式



Head Teacher

手机Mobile Phone:程远青Claire    13635330189

                  刘临昱Linny Liu 13908367775


International Affairs:

座机landline023 6187 9338/9337/9336

手机Mobile Phone:盛冰洁Marie    13628271167


Faculty of Management & Aviation

座机 landline023 6287 9029


Teaching Affairs

座机 landline: 023 6187 9098


 Students Affairs

座机 landline023 6187 9117


Security Office

座机 landline023 61879119


Youth League Committee

座机 landline023 6187 9118


     College Health Center

座机 landline023 6122 0983


     Emergency Contacts


医疗急救 First Aid120

火警Fire Police: 119

双凤派出所 Shuangfeng Police Station023 6780 6110




第八章 附则

Chapter 8 Supplementary


1. 本办法未尽事宜,按照学校学生管理规定进行管理。

Matters not mentioned herei n shall be governed by the regulations on the management of students.

2. 本办法由学校授权国际合作与交流处、学生处、教务处负责解释。

The office of international cooper ation and exchange, student’s affairs department and office of academic affairs are authorized to explain the regulations.

3. 若《来华留学生学生手册》中英文理解有歧义的,以中文表述为准。

In case of any ambiguity between Chinese and English in this handbook, the Chinese version shall prevail.

4. 本办法自公布之日起实施。

The regulations shall come into force on the date of its promulgation.